Saturday, April 11, 2009

Lesbian couple Lindsay - Sam Ronson Split, Sex no good or Drama is too much ?

While Lindsay Lohan has been pulling a play from her father’s “attention whore” playbook, running to the tabloids and whining about how everyone is against her, she’s a good person, blah blah blah, her ex girlfriend Sam Ronson is quietly trying to move on. After changing her locks, barring Lohan from a party and seeking support from family and friends, sources say that Sam finally got tired of Lindsay’s drama and high maintenance personality. Though the DJ still cares for Lohan, she finally realized that the bad aspects of being with her outweighed the good.

No more drama: That is Samantha Ronson’s philosophy, according to sources close to the celebrity deejay, who recently spilt from girlfriend Lindsay Lohan.

“Lindsay is extremely protective and jealous and needs an enormous amount of attention, and it’s stressful for the world to be watching them,” a source close to the Ronson family tells PEOPLE. In terms of the high-profile breakup, “[Samantha] takes it pretty good – she acts tougher than she is. She just wants the drama to end.”

Though Ronson’s family is hoping this latest split will be for good, the pair’s close social circle makes the separation that much more difficult, says the source. “Both Samantha and Lindsay could use a break and since there is so much crossover with their friends, it’s been hard. Their lives are so intertwined.”

Lohan’s Personality Sparks Concern
As for the Ronson family’s inquiries into obtaining a restraining order – which did not involve Samantha herself – the family source says they are worried about Lohan’s fiery personality. “They wanted to know what their options were if she does something crazy,” says the source. “Lindsay can be a loose cannon.”

Still, another source close to Ronson says that the deejay is protective of Lohan and doesn’t want to jump on “the anti-Lindsay bandwagon.”

“Sam broke up with Lindsay, but it doesn’t mean she hates her or wants to see her hurt any worse than she is,” says the source. “She is over Lindsay and over all the drama, but still, she refuses to trash-talk her. She just wants to walk away gracefully.”

As for Lohan, she has been spending time with family and friends. On Thursday night she was spotted at Chateau Marmont in Hollywood where she sipped on water and appeared in high spirits, smiling and laughing with a large group of pals.

[From People]

Meanwhile, Lindsay’s family in Long Island is speaking to the press, saying they are very worried about the starlet and would like to “reach out” to her.

“We’d all like to reach out to her,” Lohan’s paternal grandmother Marilyn says in an exclusive interview Wednesday afternoon from Long Island, N.Y. “We’re all here for her and we’d love to see her. Me, as a grandmother, I’d like to try and help her out, but she’s not here, she’s in L.A.”

Adds Marilyn: “I think she needs her family in her life, but they’re not. They should be. I haven’t seen her in over a year. I don’t know what happened. I’m heartbroken.”

The elder Lohan also blames the young Hollywood lifestyle of nightclubs and late-night partying. “What happened is that it was too much too fast. And she was on her own too early. She was too young,” she says. “And they get into that party scene. It’s very hard for them.”

So what’s Marilyn’s message for her granddaughter? “I love her, call me, I’m here for her, and anything I can do, please get in touch.”

And like any supportive relative, Marilyn still has high hopes for Lohan’s career: “She’s very talented. She always was. I know she’ll come back.”

As for splitting with Ronson, grandma approves: “I don’t think she should be with her.”

Lohan’s father Michael Lohan, 48, calls the split “a new beginning for her.”

“I’m concerned. It’s a hard time when a relationship ends. It’s never easy. I know she loved Samantha,” he says. “Lindsay is a strong girl. She has a huge heart.”

[From People]

I’m confused. Why would her grandmother say that her family isn’t with her? Aren’t Lindsay’s mom, Dina and her sister, Ali, also in L.A.? They were staying with her at the Chateau Marmont the night she was rejected from the party where Sam Ronson was working. But then again, even if her family is with her, that may not be much help. Dina was supposedly with Lindsay when she was drinking vodka straight from the bottle recently. Clearly, the words “parental supervision” are not in Dina’s vocabulary - this is a woman who was trying to get her 15 year old daughter admitted to a nightclub!

It seems like everyone is moaning about how Lindsay needs help, but no one is willing to actually do anything. Except for Sam, who is exhibiting a little “tough love” at the moment. It’s a shame that she is the only one willing to remove herself from this toxic situation. Everyone else enables Lindsay because they are either on her payroll or don’t want the famewhore train to stop. I don’t see this ending well at all - but at least, for now, Sam is taking steps to take care of herself.

Sam Ronson is pictured leaving a Beverly Hills medical office on April 2. Photo credits: Fame.

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